Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Term 4 - Back at work

Back at work now and the time is flying. Going to be a very busy term and I know Christmas will be upon me before I know it.

I have been shut out of my computer and study by a daughter doing a uni assessment which has finally been done and I can reclaim my possessions. I live in the hope that they get the internet on at home soon but there is some sort of problem about broadband not being available in their area and dial up is too slow. The funny thing was she was complaining about the lack of food in the house - no muesli bars or biscuits etc. I explained that since no child lives at home anymore I dont have to stock those things saving myself lots of money and keeping myself out of temptation. My only problem now is jatz - Mark loves them so we keep boxes of them and I have been known to attack the jatz container when I am having a munchy attack.

Mark home from France last Thursday night. So nice to have him back. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. He came bearing gifts - a bottle of "Covet" perfume and another charm bracelet.

Gareth home from UK in under a week now! Looking forward to seeing him again. He is staying with us for two weeks max. Hope he settles back into life in Aus although I know he is planning on returning to London next April. I guess that will be crunch time as to whether he gives up his job here.

Okay Zanna, my top 10 things in my shopping trolley that work for me are:

Either some Lean Cuisine or Weight Watchers Frozen Meals (whatever is on special)
Weight Watchers Ice Cream - Berry mudslide is the current favourite
Rice Crackers
Weight Watchers cottage cheese
Weight Watchers cream cheese (to have with smoked salmon, capers, lettuce, bagels, onions)
Nestle Diet Yoghurt (Citrus and Pomegranate is new and yummy)
Lots of Fruit and Vegetables (hooray summer is here)
Weight watchers sour cream
Wholemeal crumpets and muffins
Diet Lemon Lime and Soda (brand escapes me at the moment but I think it comes from Qld)

I know that a few of the above have the dreaded 950 or 951 additives in them but I havent figured out replacements yet. And also note that this is my "healthy" trolley, sometimes there is an unhealthy trolley - unhealthy but yummy.

Weight seems to be slowly going down. Am not counting points any more just trying to make good choices because I know this is what I have to do for ever. Sometimes I fail miserably but I will keep slogging away. Am managing to drink at least 1 litre of water most days. 2 litres is a pipe dream I think.

Exercise has sort of settled down to
Monday - gym
Tuesday - walk Lucy
Wednesday - Yoga
Thursday - walk Lucy
Friday - gym
Saturday - Pilates and a good workout cleaning the house
Sunday - sometimes walk Lucy and yard and garden maintenance.

I dont always manage to do this program because I am listening to my body more and if other things crop up I am slowly learning to go with the flow and not sweat the fact that exercise doesnt happen.

Hope everyone is having a good week. Slightly cooler here today with a promise of some much needed rain.
Take care


  1. Can't believe how many similar items we had in our healthy good trolleys. How nice to have all the family around again for a while. Clive (No 2 son) had 2 weeks off and was back in London but headed back to the rig in Malaysia yesterday for 6 weeks on. Then the next two weeks on he's off to Calgary for some snowboarding, then back to Malaysia where he'll spend Christmas on the rig. With a bit of luck might see him in Oz again early next year.
    You're sounding good and focussed re the foor and exercise. I've got the food aspect pretty well right, working on the alcohol one - trying to just have it on the weekends (Friday and Saturday) but can't seem to get my mojo going on exercise - still walking now and then - when I get the guilts looking at Zanna!! but not back into getting up early and walking/running and still haven't been to the gym to join up. Thinking that if I force myself by signing up the 12 month direct debit which gets me the cheap rate through work - that might make me get going as I'll grudge paying for something I'm not doing. We'l see. Have a great week
    Love Z xx

  2. I think a few of us have been doing this so long that we get a bit complacent. Like you said we know we have to do this forever. Good on you listening to your body, something we all should be doing. I know my exercise now is a lot less these days, but still a lot more than in the past. You are still doing quite a program of exercise.

    Have a great week:-)

  3. Julie, what is it about Jatz biscuits? I have an unending weakness for them too...

    Glad your feeling jolly - I hope it rains and rains and rains. We all need it!

  4. Hi Julie
    Thanks for your comment on my much neglected blog. I have been feeling so bad about myself, (been hiding for months) however hearing from others has definitely made me feel contacted again.

    Thanks again - will stay in touch. We can do this :)

    Gabby x

  5. Darn those jatz bikkies, I can't have them in the house...or at the moment anything bad. Fallen off the wagon a bit, derailed and desperately trying to get back on track.
    You keep up the great can do it.

