Thursday, November 27, 2008

I can smell gardenias

Its that time of year again, I can smell gardenias. Ive picked some of the first ones and they are in my bedroom and everytime I walk in the perfume hits me. The garden smells wonderful too. Makes me feel good.

The jacarandas are out too (nearly finished) and they look wonderful against the stormy grey skies. Such a beautiful colour.

Everything good.
BP down for the first time in ages so meds are working.
Still having to have methotrexate injection (am tempted to say metho injection but people might get the wrong idea)
Dr has sent letter to gym so I am back in there tomorrow.

Off to walk Lucy and tire her out before the next storm hits so she doesnt keep us awake tonight guarding us against those bloody possums. I wonder if daughter would lend me her tasar or her gun. (Just joking - She doesnt have a tasar yet.)

Three weeks before school holidays start - 5 glorious weeks off - yippee!


  1. If she doesn't have her taser yet, does that mean you are serious about borrowing the gun?? LOL.

    Yay for BP coming down and being allowed back to the gym. That's great news..

    And yep, storm is a brewing. Will be battening down the hatches here tonight..

  2. Ive been slack and not commenting. Great that the BP is coming down - Im fighting the same battle right now - had a strange spell earlier this week with peculiar vision but they think it was a migraine type aura. Still going to the gym and enjoying it - lumpy mddle not going anywhere and like you have a grumpy man! But the rest is good - very excited as Mum, sister and b in law arrive in about 10 days and Ive just completed my last assignment for my Dip Bus and just heard that Im changing roles again and quite excited about it - Im one those strange creatures who enjoys a change. Good to hear you sounding so good - and go Lucy the Wonderdog - Zanna the Wonderdog is petrified from storms!

  3. Good to hear BP is coming down. Laughed at Zanna's comment, I also have the lumpy middle and the gumpy man!!!

  4. Glad you can go to the gym. As long as you can keep things moving they won't get too creaky!

  5. mmmmm must be really catching this disease of lumpy middles and grumpy men, have the same here!!!

    ohhh well of to make a shopping list....a few menu changes coming up....


  6. Glad all is well. I love the smell of garnenias too.
    Lumpy middles and grumpy men should all be banned!!!
