Friday, March 01, 2013

I Should Have Known Better

I really should have known better.

I have been telling everyone how great I felt, exercising lots even started back at the gym again.

Latest news - my kidneys aren't functioning properly and they (doctors) have taken me off all medication or downgraded the ones I cant stop taking.

No more arthritis medications at the moment.  The pain, swelling and stiffness has amped up in the last week. After yet another doctors visit last night I at least now have a "pain patch" that might help.  Also sleeping tablets for the nights that I cant sleep because of the pain.

Cant get in to see the renal physician for two weeks.

Also my HRT has run out and my hormone doctor is away for another week.

Can anything else go wrong.

I am so over this.  Sometimes it really depresses me.

Officially end of whinge.

Next post will be positive I promise.  Just needed to get it off my chest.


  1. Oh Julie - my heart goes out to you. I wish that there was something that I could do to help you. Sending lots of love, hugs and positive energy your way and, if there is ANYTHING I can do to help, I would love to !!
    Try to hang in there as best you can - you have my number if you want to chat at all !
    Me xox

    1. Thanks Linda. I think the positive energy has arrived! xxx

  2. Hope you cheer up soon although being in constant pain, you have every right to feel miserable.

    All the best.

    1. Thanks Margaret for being so supportive but I really dont think I should be miserable about pain. It has been a constant in my life for nearly 10 years now on and off and hey there are so many people worse off then me who never complain. I only vent to you guys because I know you understand and once I get it off my chest I can move on.

  3. awwww I feel for you....big hugs xx

    1. Thanks for the hugs. Just what I needed.

  4. Just a quick question.......did you start letting sugar & wheat 7 grains back into your diet. I know that if I go off my plan I suffer pain. That's my problem now not having complete control over what foods are available!!!!
    Big hugs and hope you feel better soon.

    1. Hi Jenny, no I dont think so. I think it was just that I went off the meds so suddenly. Anyway the little pain patch and the panadol osteo seem to have it under control and actually I feel a lot better now. Even considering trying not to go back on all that medication again. Thanks for your concern.

    2. Me Just wish I could give you a hug but glad too that things seem to be under control again. I had another thought.........the bloody weather!!!!! My hip has been playing up and I have had odd other pains and I remembered how with my fibro the weather played a big part especially with the low cloud & humidity. Mmmn food is under my control but the weather isn't LOL.
      Will give you a call soon once we have some sort of routine going!!!!! At the moment it's a bit chaotic with a 3yr old, a new baby who needs to feed 3 hourly, a tired & sore new mum who can't drive or lift anything, a Dad who is gone from 3:30am til 6pm every day except Sunday, us and S's mother in law all here!!!!. LOL :)
