Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I just wanted to thank everyone for their kind thoughts.

Chronic pain can be debilitating and depressing and sometimes it does get me down.

Luckily last week I read an article in the May issue of Oprah (I think) about a woman who had suffered depression for many many years.

While she hadn't beaten depression she was battling on.  She had found she was letting herself go and the result of being frumpy wasnt helping her.

So she started forcing herself to get up out of bed every morning.  She hired someone, a stylist I think, to help her with her hair etc.  Luckily she found someone who would not take no for an answer and even though the first trip to the hairdresser was a nightmare for all concerned she got there and found it, as I know I have, uplifting.

Anyway, what I am getting at is that it would be so easy to let myself go especially since I am on a break from work but I am making myself get up every morning and do my hair and put make up on even if I am not going anywhere.  It does make me feel better.

Lucy and I have been walking as you may have seen from Facebook.  Yesterday, we may have walked a little bit too far, and I definitely did think of ringing Fox and getting him to come and pick us up but we kept going.  Mind you my feet were so sore when I got home that I had to take my shoes off and rest for 30 mins but then I was fine again.

Off to have a scan in a while.  The doctor gave me the referral so long ago that I have forgotten what it is all about.

Exciting news, Zanna is coming to Sydney for a visit and we are catching up on Sunday.  So so excited.  We have been blends for so long.

On Saturday, we are going to the races with a group of friends.  Hopefully I will survive the day.  It is hard - I want to dress up but know that I really should consider wearing sensible shoes so that my feet last.  Maybe I will just take extra painkillers.

Last but not least, can someone tell me what is happening with google reader?  It seems to be disappearing after 1st July.  What is the alternative?

Have a good weekend everyone.


  1. ohhh lovely exciting news about Zanna, enjoy your catch up and give her a big hullo hug from me x

  2. Hey Julie - hope you have a great time at the races and with Zanna.
    Google Reader is going - I have moved over to Bloglovin' - it works very well for me so far - need to just make sure all my 'blogs' move with it as I don't think they have.
    Have a great day !
