Friday, November 19, 2010

It's nearing Christmas time and

I am confined to bed again. Didnt't make it to work today. Cant walk. Rang the neurosurgeon yesterday about being put on the cancellation list and asked had they received the MRI report. The answer was no. So rang the rheumotologist and asked had they sent it and the receptionist said she had not send it because she didnt know that she had too. Unfortunately I had an email from them saying that was what they were going to do. I know mistakes happen but I thought I have been waiting to hear from someone about the results and nothing had been done.

I have been trying to keep mobile but I think last Wednesday's yoga was the last time for this year which makes me sad. I enjoy it so much but the pain is now too great. Have also put my gym membership on hold until next year.

I have spent today in bed and probably will spend the weekend in bed too. I can't not walk. I have to go and see Oprah with Jess! LOL. Glad I have my priorities right. Only another four weeks of work - four fairly important weeks of work. Please, I need a break.

On top of all this I have to have an endoscopy in two weeks time. Keeps getting better doesnt it.

The back pain is being caused by degeneration to the spine probably by the arthritis and also this time I now have a cyst on my spine which is pressing on the nerve. I think it is nerve pain that I am feeling and painkillers don't seem to work with nerve pain.

Oh well, a quiet weekend ahead. Poor Mark - thank goodness he has retired from work. He has to take over everything now, as well as helping the builder, etc etc.

Enjoy yourselves.


  1. I know the pain you will be in if the cyst is pressing on the sciatic nerve as mine was. Ordinary painkillers don't touch it. I found slow release codeine the best with panadol in between. The relief of an operation to remove the cyst was heaven.
    I hope something can be done for you asap.
    We will be in Sydney from mid Dec until mid Jan so maybe we can meet. :)
    Take care and keep on to those Dr's until you get satisfaction. :)

  2. ohhhh what a's hoping you are up and about quite soon. Try and enjoy your enforced stay in bed.
    Think of you xx
