Thursday, September 20, 2012


Hi, back again.

Still dont have a voice much to the hilarity of everyone I try to talk to. 
M cant hear me (that might be a ruse), my boss thinks I sound like Don Corleone and another work colleague said I sounded like I should be doing adult phone calls.

Still have the cough too but that is mainly at night or when the temp drops a bit.  Means sleeping is difficult for all of us but hopefully it will lessen soon.

Second last day of term today and after tomorrow am officially on school holidays yet again.
J and I are going to see Madagascar 3 on Tuesday.  I just love the giraffe - "afro circus afro circus afro polkadot polkadot afro.  Everytime I hear that I just break up.  Look out - second childhood coming. 

Last weekend we went to the Mooney Club at Mooney Mooney for lunch.  Such a nice day with nice people.  Am going to take Jess there next Tuesday and join up.  Very popular restaurant - requires booking in advance.

Lovely thing happened last week - NZ Jenny T rang me.  She is still here visiting her daughter and I am hoping that my voice returns soon as that will make it easier but whatever, we will meet up, if possible, if she has some free time inbetween official mother/grandmother and nurse duties in the next two weeks.

Weather in Sydney has been glorious.  Warm sunny days and cool nights.  The storms have started and except for the fact that they terrify Lucy I love them and the garden has had at least two good soaks.

There will be pictures next time I post.  The wisteria is in full bloom as are the blossom trees.  Looking forward to the jacarandas soon too.  Nothing says storm season to me like the blooming jacarandas against a dark gray sky.  My birthday azalea is just starting to bloom.
M has made a plant stand (apparently the first of a few).  They look quite good.  Not quite what I wanted or envisaged but he is so proud of it.

Re last post - list is back in operation and my world, which was slightly out of kilter, is back where it should be.  

Any way back to the title of this post - It is 7 years this month since I started blogging.  Have met quite a few of my fellow bloggers (unfortunately most are not blogging anymore) and I cant tell you what your friendship, advice and encouragement has meant so much to me over all these years.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart....


  1. We love the storms different from ours......more dramatic LOL. Quite often they circle where Steph lives but we can see the lghtening and hear the thunder in the distance.
    I too have met & made friends with those that without the internet I would never have known. :)
    Yep I am going to make time to meet up while you are on holidays :)Only 2 days and you can relax and hopefully forget about work.
    Catch you soon :)

  2. LOL - hope your voice is back soon - I know the frustrations !!!!
    WOW 7 years of blogging -good work. Funny how so many of 'our orginal' bloggers aren't around anymore - I'm glad I am as I love catching up with you when we can.
    Have the best weekend and enjoy your leave !
